balance sheet as displayed in the text, compute an example of how focusing on short term profits can be detrimental to long term profits. Share your opinion regarding whether you feel it‘s a better option to focus on short term or long term goals. Use evidence from the text or external sources to support your position. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CMP 105 Grace Speak is a fourth-year student at Best University FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT tutorialoutlet Read the following case study and answer the questions that follow: Grace Speak is a fourth-year student at Best University. She and her fellow classmates are working hard in their final courses and preparing for exams. Inspired by the teamwork that the healthcare profession espouses, Grace gets an idea for a study group. She thinks it will really help to share case experiences, course notes, and study tips. Unfortunately, several members of her peer group live out of town, which makes it difficult for them to participate fully. Grace is torn, as she does not want to exclude them from the study group. When she voices her concerns to a classmate, her friend suggests using social media tools as the primary medium for sharing information. Questions What types of social media tools could Grace‘s study group use? [Write your response here…] How would those tools facilitate the objectives of the study group? [Write your response here…]  What are some of the risks associated with using social media for such purposes? [Write your response here…]  What might Grace need to do from the outset when she forms the study group? [Write your response here…] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------