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IST 220 Java classes to model a small plane flying passengers from State College , PA to Orlando , FL
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IST 220 Java classes to model a small plane flying passengers from State College , PA to Orlando , FL


www . tutorialoutlet . com

In this assignment , you will be creating several Java classes to model a small plane flying passengers from State College , PA to Orlando , FL . You must include :
� An Aircraft class
� A Pilot class
� A Passenger class
� A Stewardess class
� A Suitcase class
� An Address class
� A Map class
You must model the following relationships :
� Each Aircraft contains one Pilot , one Stewardess , and four Passengers
� Each person ( Pilot , Stewardess , or Passenger ) has a Suitcase
� Each person ( Pilot , Stewardess , or Passenger ) has an Address
� Each Pilot has a Map
Other requirements :
� Your main () method must instantiate and populate each of these classes
� Your Aircraft class must have a getInfo () method that returns all of the information about the aircraft , each person on board , and all of their items / attributes . You should call this method from your main () method .
� Your program must use an ArrayList of passengers