IFSM 201 What risks and safeguards are associated with wireless communication ?
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3 . Implement the main () function that ( 1 ) declares and initializes the string s , and ( 2 ) calls the above two functions .
� Example input and output :
Suppose s =" Always remember that you are unique . Just like everyone else ."
The function getLetterFreq ( s ) will print out the following information ( yours might be in a different format ):
{' a ': 4 , ' b ': 1 , ' e ': 11 , ' i ': 2 , ' h ': 1 , ' k ': 1 , ' j ': 1 , ' m ': 2 , ' l ': 3 , ' o ': 2 , ' n ': 2 , ' q ': 1 , ' s ': 3 , ' r ': 4 , ' u ': 4 , ' t ': 3 , ' w ': 1 , ' v ': 1 , ' y ': 3 }
The output of StrToTokens ( s ); will be ' Always ', ' remember ', ' that ', ' you ', ' are ', ' unique .', ' Just ', ' like ', ' everyone ', ' else .'
IFSM 201 What risks and safeguards are associated with wireless communication ?
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What risks and safeguards are associated with wireless communication ? What is ― war driving ‖ or ― war flying ‖? Are you comfortable ( or would you use ) a wireless ― hot spot ‖ to do computer work ? What safeguards might you use in accessing an unprotected ( public ) wireless communications ?