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Orange ( 3rd column , 1st row of the Standard Colors palette ). 14 . Select the clustered column chart with the title Blooming Everywhere Delivery 2018 – 2020 Revenue . Update the chart as described below : 15 . a . Change the chart style of the clustered column chart to Style 5 . b . Move the chart to its own chart sheet . Use 2018-2020 Revenue as the name for the new chart sheet . Switch back to the Company Analysis worksheet . Select the non-adjacent ranges A12 : A15 and D12 : D15 , and then create a 3-D Pie chart . Update the chart as described below : a . In the title placeholder , enter Expenses in 2020 as the chart title . b . Change the chart style of the 3-D pie chart to Style 3 . c . Move the chart to its own chart sheet , using 2020 Expenses as the name for the new chart sheet . Your workbook should look like the Final Figures on the following pages . Save your changes , close the workbook , and then exit Excel . Follow the directions on the SAM website to submit your completed project . Shelly Cashman Excel 2016 | Module 1 : SAM Project 1a Final Figure 1 : Company Analysis Worksheet Final Figure 2 : 2018-2020 Revenue Worksheet Final Figure 3 : 2020 Expenses Worksheet Shelly Cashman Excel 2016 | Module 1 : SAM Project 1a
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