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A2 : D2 . 5 . Clear the contents of cell E3 . 6 . Enter the data shown in Table 1 below into the range B7 : D7 . Table 1 : Data for the Range B7 : D7 Cell Valu e B7 C7 D7 1800 1950 2020 Shelly Cashman Excel 2016 | Module 1 : SAM Project 1a 7 . Using the Fill Handle , copy the formula in cell B8 into the range C8 : D8 . 8 . Merge and center the range A10 : D10 . 9 . Select the range B12 : D16 , and then apply the Accounting number format with two decimal places and $ as the symbol . 10 . The Expenses table shows all of the company ‘ s expenses from 2018 to 2020 . Bob wants to calculate the total expenses by adding up the total expenses from each year . In cell E16 , create a formula using the SUM function to calculate the total expenses from 2018 to 2020 ( B16 : D16 ). 11 . 12 . Update the formatting of the merged range A18 : D18 as described below : a . Bold the contents of the merged range . b . Change the font to Calibri . c . Change the font size to 13 pt . d . Change the font color to Green , Accent 6 , Darker 25 % ( 10th column , 5th row of the Theme Colors palette ). The company ‘ s competition and taxes have increased through the years , and Bob will only recommend continuing to grow the business if the profit increases every year . In cell B20 create a formula without using a function that calculates the profit earned in 2018 by subtracting the total expenses in 2018 ( cell B16 ) from the total revenue in 2018 ( cell B8 ). Using the Fill Handle , fill the range C20 : D20 with the formula from cell B20 . 13 . Change the tab color of the Company Analysis worksheet to