and 1 successful method Unit Test : MyClone Meets ― Proficient ‖ criteria substantiated with a user interface that lets the user interact with the application ; unit test application creates more than one MyClone object and tests all possible code paths Meets ― Proficient ‖ criteria substantiated with a user interface that allows the user to interact with the application ; unit test application tests all possible code paths Meets ― Proficient ‖ criteria substantiated with user interface that allows the user to interact with the application ; unit test application creates more than one of these objects and tests all methods more than once ; unit test application tests all possible code paths Meets ― Proficient ‖ criteria and all methods have a header that explains the purpose of the method , the pre-conditions , and the post-conditions Unit Test : ShoutBox Unit Test : Additional Class Code Documentation The choice class does not have 2 private instance variables and 1 method 7 Unit test successfully tests all