from each data structure to form a random message Method returns a randomly generated message , but not in accordance with specifications or not in the proper string format Method displays a greeting , the full name of the clone , and an introduction statement for the virtual world , but not correctly Method does not use a random number generator 6 Method does not return a randomly generated message 6 Method does not display a greeting , the full name of the clone , and an introduction statement for the virtual world 6 MyClone class includes required instance variables that are made private and have associated getters and setters MyClone class includes required instance variables that are made private but do not have associated getters and setters MyClone class does not include the required instance variables and the instance variables are not made private 7 Additional Class Meets ― Proficient ‖ criteria and the class objects are creative or unique with private instance variables that fit the object The choice class has 2 private instance variables with associated getters and setters