3 . Development must be forward looking 4 . Focus on rigorous candidate assessment 5 . Balance organizational and individual needs 6 . Invest in staff and process support 7 . Develop multiple talent pools and career paths 8 . Focus on on-the job-learning 9 . Conduct regular talent reviews 10 . Leverage technology and measure success ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

the Bloch Museum of Fine Art ( BMFA ) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT tutorialoutlet

Your position You have been hired as a marketing consultant for the Bloch Museum of Fine Art ( BMFA ), a small modern art museum in the town of Arkham ( population : 25,000 ). The museum ’ s mission is ― to display , promote , and foster awareness and appreciation of contemporary art from around the globe ‖. Though relatively new ( the facility opened in 2000 ), BMFA wants to expand its services to include educational programs , outreach offerings , and at least one major festival event that would appeal to residents and tourists within a 100-mile radius .
About BMFA and its community BMFA is affiliated with Miskatonic University , which enrolls approximately 3,000 undergraduate and graduate students . Unlike many other museums linked to universities , though , BMFA is privately funded , with its own board of directors and staff . Miskatonic University provides in-kind support via building and grounds maintenance . It also covers the cost of the museum ’ s utilities .
Although both the town of Arkham and Miskatonic University are small , they contain progressive , artssavvy populations . Recent BMFA exhibitions by Japanese artist Takashi Murakami and US-based Jenny