Education Statistical Digest 2018-19 | Page 27

Message from the Permanent Secretary (Ag) - Mr. Myccle Burke

The evolutionary premise on which flourishing societies are constructed is dictated by the capacity of its intellectual capital to analyze and ultimately manipulate information in a modern competitive globalized world. The Government of St. Vincent and the Grenadines continues to place a high premium on quality Education as the catalyst to achieving the sustainable development goals of this global arena. This prioritizing of Education as the impetus to development is reflected in the comparatively high percentage of the National Budget allocated for Education in the 2018 budgetary provisions.

Results oriented action has long been the practice of the Ministry of Education and getting value for investment has always been the practice of the Government of St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Being provided with useful data in an expeditious manner is critical to measuring performance and ensuring return on investments. Annually, the assiduous work of key individuals within the organization has resulted in the production of the Education Statistical Digest that has significantly aided the decision making process. The information captured in the digest provides quantifiable accounts of the performance of the Education sector with a level of public transparency that encourages the establishment of enviable standards. The detailed nature of the data produced and the findings is representative of the overall school population and is reliable in its description of the realities of the Education system.

It is with unbridled optimism that I present to you this edition of the Education Statistical Digest as a valuable commodity that has the propensity to transform and liberate the docile spectator who is unaware of the inherent power of Education as a vital instrument of national development.