Education Sector Plan: Education for All: Embracing Change, Securing Finale | Page 75

6 . Monitoring and evaluation
Mid-term and Final Evaluation : In 2019 , a mid-term evaluation will take place to : ( i ) evaluate progress in meeting plan targets and the process of plan implementation , utilizing data from internal quarterly progress and annual reviews , as well as special evaluation studies as needed ; and ( ii ) revise targets and programme strategies , as necessary , for the remainder of the plan period . At the end of 2021 , a final evaluation will be conducted to evaluate the plan ’ s outcomes , relevance , and cost-effectiveness , including an analysis of success and challenges in plan implementation , in order to frame the development of the subsequent medium- to long-term plan . The Senior Leadership Committee will decide whether these evaluations are conducted internally , by an external body , or through a combination of approaches .
Significantly , M & E findings will be used not only to guide policy and planning , but also to promote transparency , accountability , and capacity building among education stakeholders .
Table 15 : Summary of M & E processes
Types of M & E Processes
Day-to-day monitoring
Timeframe Responsibility Use of information
Institution , Department , and Division Heads
Accountability and capacity
building of education stakeholders
Quarterly Progress Review
Annual Performance Review
Mid-term Evaluation
Four times per year
Annually in June
EMEC Committee members , Core Planning Team
Members of the Senior Leadership Committee and EMEC , Core Planning Team , and other key representatives from the private sector , government ministries , Teachers ’ Unions and CFBC
2019 Members of the Senior Leadership Committee , Members of the EMEC Committee , the Core Planning Team , other key representatives from the private sector , government ministries , Teachers ’ Unions , CFBC and , possibly , an external evaluator
Accountability and capacity building of education stakeholders
Improve policy and planning and accountability in plan implementation
Improve policy and planning and accountability in plan implementation
Final Evaluation
2021 – 2022
Improve policy and planning
and accountability in plan
6.3 . M & E framework
With targeted outputs outlined for each SMART objective contained in the Programme Area Matrices ( see Chapter 4 ), this section presents the performance monitoring framework for the Policy Goals and Intermediate Outcomes of the sector plan . First , it presents a narrative summary of the results chain for the plan period . Then it outlines key performance indicators for assessing policy goals , along with outcome level indicators / measures , and accompanying baselines and targets where applicable . Given the foundational work that will be undertaken to improve the availability and quality of data for decision making over the plan period , a deliberate decision has been taken to ensure that indicators can be calculated and M & E questions can be feasibly answered with data available over the plan period . As such , impact evaluation will be measured by the extent to which policy goals have been achieved . While it is best practice to evaluate the impact of education sector plans on their contribution to long-term development goals ( e . g . poverty reduction , economic growth , social integration , cultural empowerment ), this plan period will focus sharply on gathering the kinds of education data needed and collaborating with other entities to ensure that complementary information is available to reliably answer such complex impact evaluation questions for future plans .
6.3.1 . Mapping programme logic and plan results
Being able to establish and communicate the logical relationship between inputs , outputs , and outcomes of a given programme or plan is central to effectively monitoring and evaluating plan implementation . Below is a narrative summary of the results chain for the ESP , which highlights the following aspects for each programme area : ( i ) financial input , ( ii ) key outputs critical for successful implementation of the plan , ( iii ) intended programme results in the form of intermediate outcomes , and ( iv ) policy-level outcomes / impacts .