Education Sector Plan: Education for All: Embracing Change, Securing Finale | Page 74

Education for All: Embracing Change, Securing the Future Core Planning Team: This existing planning team will be responsible for ensuring the requisite M&E activities take place at all levels. The team will lead the preparation of the MoE annual performance operational plans and prepare overarching technical documents for all identified review processes to be held at specified intervals. As such, this team functions as the secretariat for the EMEC and all periodic review processes. The Core Planning Team will also provide guidance to and build capacity among Heads of Divisions and institutions in developing relevant annual Departmental operational plans and school/institutional improvement plans that are in line with the MoE annual/ performance operational plan. Additionally, while the Education Advisory Board will not have direct responsibility for monitoring plan implementation, this entity may also, at the request of the Minister, provide policy and implementation guidance to the senior leadership and the Sector Plan Monitoring and Evaluation Committee. 6.2. M&E procedures and review processes Sources of information captured in the Performance Monitoring Matrix, presented in section 6.3.2, will enable the monitoring of plan implementation on an ongoing basis at the level of the institution and the MoE through standing meetings and required reports. 72 Institutional Level: Progress on School/Institutional Improvement Plans will be discussed and reviewed regularly at staff meetings, which are typically held monthly. Each term, the institution will draft an End of Term report on School/ Institutional Improvement Plan Progress, which will be shared with the CEO. The Core Planning Team will work with the CEO on the format for this report. MoE Divisions: Heads of Division will be responsible for ensuring that adequate quantitative and qualitative data are captured on plan implementation. Each technical officer in MoE divisions will submit monthly updates to Heads of Division that will capture, where relevant, activities executed in line with the annual operational plan for the ESP. These will be discussed in regularly scheduled Divisional meetings, chaired by the Head of each Division. Heads of Division will also submit monthly reports to the Permanent Secretary, which will outline salient developments in plan implementation. These will be reviewed at the level of senior leadership, which includes the Chief of Education Planning. Instructional Leadership Meeting: An instructional leadership meeting will be held at least once per term to discuss general issues related to teaching-learning. During these meetings, progress related to strategies in all six programme areas can be discussed as relevant. Minutes from this meeting will be kept and shared with the senior leadership and, where relevant, the Core Planning Team. This meeting is chaired by the Chief Education Officer; meeting attendees will include, but are not be limited to the Permanent Secretary, the Principal Education Officer in Nevis, the Director of the Curriculum Development Unit, the CFBC Teacher Education Representative, ECD Direct, the CXC Registrar, the Director for the Student Education Learning Fund, S tudent Support and Learning Support Officers, and the Chief Librarian. Several periodic performance reviews will also be conducted: Quarterly Progress Review: Heads of Division and other identified persons with ‘lead responsibility’ will prepare quarterly progress reports on plan implementation for their area of responsibility for discussion at the quarterly EMEC meetings. In an effort to minimize what could become an overly bureaucratic and cumbersome reporting process, reports are to provide brief updates of major plan activities and, where relevant, focus on challenges to implementation in an effort to identify corrective actions. The Core Planning Team will provide a template for this report and will also be responsible for producing a global quarterly progress report on plan implementation to be shared with the senior leadership committee and other MoE stakeholders, including institutions. Risks and mitigation strategies will be addressed at these meetings, as necessary. Annual Performance Review: Nationally, plan performance will be reviewed to: (i) measure progress against key performance indicators at the input and outcome levels, and (ii) identify key strategies and activities for the following annual performance plan. Specifically, data and information from quarterly progress reports will be synthesized into an annual review report that critically analyses the performance of each programme area against agreed- upon targets, noting risks and mitigation strategies where relevant. The review will be held annually in June to ensure recommendations for action can be included in the budget preparation processes for the subsequent cycle, as necessary. Critically, where performance targets have not been met, contributing factors will be identified and strategies adjusted. Where necessary, targets will be modified to improve feasibility. Participants will include, but not be limited to, MoE senior leadership and members of the EMEC committee, along with representatives from the Education Advisory Board, the Teachers’ Union, the Chamber of Industry and Commerce, the CFBC, and other ministries such as Finance, Sustainable Development, and Social Development.