Education News Spring/Summer 2014 | Page 22

Published Works

Brown , D . ( 2014 ). Liberalism , advanced liberalism , and the governmental policy challenge in education . in education 20 ( 1 ), 82 – 10 . Retrieve from http :// ineducation . ca / ineducation / article / view / 187
Clarke , A ., Triggs , V ., & Nielsen , W . ( 2014 ). Cooperating teacher participation in teacher education . Review of Educational Research , 84 ( 2 ), 163 – 202 .
Hart , P . ( 2014 ). Environmental education and science education . In R . Gunstone ( Ed .), Encyclopedia of science education . London : Springer .
Hart , P ., & Hart , C . ( forthcoming ). It ’ s not that simple anymore : Engaging the politics of culture and identity within environmental education . In J . Lee , M . Williams , & P . Stimpson , ( Eds .), Schooling for sustainable development . London : Springer .
Hodgins , S ., & Thompson , S . A . ( 2014 ). Spilt milk counts : Belonging and moving on down the hall ... In S . Danforth , ( Ed .) Becoming a great inclusive educator ( pp . 221 – 230 ). New York , NY : Peter Lang
Lewis , P . J ., & Adeney , R . ( 2014 ). Narrative inquiry . In J . Mills & M . Birks ( Eds .), Qualitative methodololgy : A practical guide ( pp 161 – 180 ). London , UK : Sage .
Montgomery , K . ( 2014 ). “ Shut up and teach ”: Confronting the power and privilege of racialized hero discourses of soldier and nation .” Power and Education , 6 ( 2 ), 169 – 181 . Retrieve from http :// www . wwwords . co . uk / power / content / pdfs / 6 / issue6 _ 2 . asp # 5
Mulholland , V . ( 2014 ). A review of Qualitative methodology : A practical guide . in education 20 ( 1 ), 102 – 104 . Retrieve from http :// ineducation . ca / ineducation / article / view / 189
Nolan , K . ( 2014 ). Discursive productions of teaching and learning through inquiry : Novice teachers reflect on becoming a teacher and secondary mathematics teacher education . In L . Thomas ( Ed .), Becoming teacher : Sites for development of Canadian teacher education ( pp . 258 – 288 ). Canadian Association for Teacher Education at https :// sites . google . com / site / cssecate / fall-working-conference
Nolan , K . ( 2014 ). The heART of educational inquiry : Deconstructing the boundaries between research , knowing and representation . In A . Reid , P . Hart , & M . Peters ( Eds .), Companion to research in education ( pp . 517 – 531 ). New York , NY : Springer .
Reid , A ., Hart , E . P ., & Peters , M . ( Eds .). ( 2014 ). Companion to research in education . New York , NY : Springer
Thompson , S . A ., Lyons , W ., & Timmons , V . ( 2014 ). Inclusive education policy : What the leadership of Canadian Teacher Associations has to say about it . International Journal of Inclusive Education . doi : 10.1080 / 13603116.2014.908964
Triggs , V ., Irwin , R ., & O ’ Donoghue , D . ( 2014 ). Following a / r / tography in practice : From possibility to potential . In K . M . Miraglia & C . Smilan ( Eds .), Inquiry in action : Paradigms , methodologies , and perspectives in art education
research ( pp . 253 – 261 ). Reston , VA : National Art Education Association .
Triggs , V ., Irwin , R . L ., & Leggo , C . ( 2014 ). Walking art : Sustaining ourselves as arts educators . Visual Inquiry : Learning and Teaching Art 3 ( 1 ), 21 – 34 .
Tupper , J . A . ( 2014 ). The possibilities for reconciliation Through difficult dialogues : Treaty education as peacebuilding . Curriculum Inquiry , 44 ( 4 ), 469 – 488 .
Conference Papers
Hanson , C ., & Paavo , A . ( March 28 , 2014 ). That workshop changed me ... now what ? Sustaining transformation . United Association for Labour Education Conference . Los Angeles , USA .
Hanson , C . ( May 31 , 2014 ). Memories , stories , and intergenerational learning : Case studies from Chile and Canada . International Conference on Qualitative Inquiry : Champagne- Urbana , Illinois , USA .
Hanson , C . ( June 2 , 2014 ). Building gender justice and sustaining transformation : Lessons from a women ’ s labour school . Congress : Canadian Association for the Study of Education , Brock University , Ontario .

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