Reflections of Outgoing Dean
Regina in 1996 to establish a Teaching Development Centre . This initiative was made possible by the Faculty of Education and the then Dean , Michael Tymchak , and Associate Dean , Meredith Cherland . These two individuals , who knew of my work with the Gabriel Dumont Institute and the SUNTEP program , believed that I had something to contribute to the University of Regina .
I have learned that a Dean epitomizes the ultimate in “ middle management ”: mediating and negotiating the views and imperatives from the Central Administration of the University with the initiatives and beliefs of the Faculty and its members and programs and values . As a professional Faculty , we have more than our own disciplinary concerns to champion ; we have responsibilities for the teaching profession in the research and teaching we do at both the undergraduate and graduate levels , and ultimately to the children and youth of this province .
My tenure as Dean began in 2008 when two members of the search committee asked me to consider applying for the position , even though I had been appointed to the Associate Dean ’ s position only the previous year . I considered myself the “ accidental Dean ” because I had never aspired to such a leadership position . The decision to throw my name into the hat was predicated by the incredible level of support I had received from this Faculty since I first came to the University of
I hope I have been able to make some contribution to the continued vibrancy of this Faculty and to public education in this province . Dr . Carol Schick has said that my championing of sexual and gender minority youth encouraged colleagues here to be “ out and proud ” about their own passions and concerns . Program and Faculty renewal must continue . Individual faculty members and the current leadership team and support staff have never been stronger . The late Maya Angelou has written “ I ’ ve learned that people will forget what you said , people will forget what you did , but people will never forget how you made them feel .” Ultimately any Dean is only as good as his or her Faculty and in this respect I have been very fortunate to work closely with some wonderful people . Thank-you . I look forward to my tenure as Director of Saskatchwan Instructional Development and Research Unit ( SIDRU ) for the next years and contributing to the vitality and vibrancy of our Faculty reflected in the articles of this issue of Education News .
By James McNinch
Faculty of Education Education News Spring / Summer 2014 Page 21