Education News Fall2015/Winter 2016 | Page 18



Photo Credit : University of Regina Photography


Dillon Lewchuk was awarded the Fall 2015 Saskatchewan Teachers ’ Federation Prize
At each University of Regina convocation ceremony , the most distinguished student of the graduating class in the Faculty of Education who does not hold another degree is awarded the Saskatchewan Teachers ’ Federation ( STF ) Prize . At the 2015 Fall Convocation , the Faculty of Education was pleased to present the STF prize to Dillon Lewchuk .
Lewchuk graduated with a Bachelor of Education in Arts Education with Distinction , majoring in Visual Arts and minoring in Drama . During his studies , Dillon was the recipient of Academic Silver Scholarships ( Fall 2013 and Fall 2014 ) and the Dr . Les Groome Scholarship for Arts Education ( Winter 2014 ). He was on the Dean ’ s Honours List for five semesters during the last three years of his program .
Commended on his natural ability to mentor and build positive relationships with youth , Lewchuk has been characterized as an inspirational individual whose


Photo ( L-R ): Lindsay Perez ( 10 Years ), Kristina Lee ( 25 years ), Dean Jennifer Tupper , Denise Morstad ( 10 years ). Missing from photo : Ron Farnel ( 15 years ) person-centered approach to wellbeing testifies to his dedication to the education of children .
The Faculty of Education was pleased to present the Saskatchewan Teachers ’ Federation Price to Dillon Lewchuk and wishes him success in his future endeavours .
Following graduation , Lewchuk became the Fifth Parallel Gallery Director at the University of Regina . In this work , he proposes and curates exhibitions to display at the Fifth Parallel Gallery in the Riddell Centre . He is also substitute teaching for Prairie Valley School Division . In addition , Lewchuk is a Master ’ s student in the Faculty of Arts .


Dr . Christine Massing , Assistant Professor of Early Childhood Education and Core studies , successfully defended her doctoral dissertation on October 27 , 2016 at the University of Alberta . Her dissertation explores the experiences of immigrant and refugee women studying in an early childhood education program . Her doctoral studies were funded in part by a Joseph- Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarship from Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada ( SSHRC ) and an Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Scholarship from Killam Trusts .
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