smaller hoops to the larger hoop , which represented the circular nature of their shared journeys and their own unique learning pathways . They organized the classroom into a sharing circle to represent the weaving together of the stories of both the performers and participants into the hoop . The final product with the pieces added by presenters was woven into an installation artwork . The materials for the artwork are 100 % natural , with cashmere merino blend wool used for weaving , and sage green burlap for the province-shaped centre . This work of art will be placed in the Faculty of Education for viewing .
To view the project and read the poetry and narratives of the group , visit www . mappingadulted . ca The web site also details their research process and methodology and offers a database of adult education opportunities in Saskatchewan .
The group of presenters and participants
Grad student Selma Kiwirra shares her learning pathway story .
Titilayo Olayele presenting her woven hoop
( L-R ) Heather Fox Griffith , Romina Bedogni Drago , and Titilayo Olayele .
Mapping Adult Education in Saskatchewan : The Stories Mapping Adult Education in Saskatchewan : The Stories – Installation Artwork
The Adult Education program , University of Regina has a Facebook public group page : https :// www . facebook . com / groups / adulteduregina /
Faculty of Education Education News Fall 2015 / Winter 2016 Page 17