Edinburgh Napier University: ENroute Yearbook 2021 Edition | Page 3

ENroute Yearbook 2020-21
Sam Abdulla , School of Health & Social Care Senior Fellow
Corin Anderson , School of Arts & Creative Industries Associate Fellow
Emma Anderson , Student Futures Associate Fellow
Oluwaseun Bamgboye , School of Computing Associate Fellow
Basel Barakat , School of Engineering & The Built Environment Associate Fellow
Annabelle Barlow , International Operations & Student Recruitment Associate Fellow
Sarah Borthwick Saddler , The Business School Senior Fellow ( see next page for case study highlights )
Andrew Bratton , The Business School Fellow
Antonia Cairns , School of Arts & Creative Industries Fellow
Tom Campbell , School of Applied Sciences Fellow
Anne Chalmers , The Business School Associate Fellow
PM Cicchetti , School of Arts & Creative Industries Fellow ( see page 4 for case study highlights )
Catriona Connell , School of Health & Social Care Fellow
Nicola Davidson , School of Health & Social Care Fellow