Edinburgh Napier University: ENroute Yearbook 2021 Edition | Page 18

ENroute Yearbook 2020-21
I would like to thank all our committed mentors and reviewers for the time and support they give to ENroute , helping make it what it is . Huge thanks to our fantastic ENroute Administrator , Louise McCarte , who , as everyone engaged with ENroute knows , provides outstanding support to the scheme . My thanks also goes to my colleague and Mentor Lead , Ingeborg van Knippenberg , for her work in re-shaping ENroute ’ s approach to mentoring in embracing MS Teams in supporting our participants . Lastly , I again have to thank my predecessor , Professor Fiona Smart , for her guidance and support and for handing over such a successful and well-supported Fellowship recognition scheme that ENroute is . I ’ m sure you will all wish Fiona a very happy retirement , as I do , she will be a big loss to ENroute and the University though we have been lucky to benefit from her input and leadership .
Best wishes , Cameron
Cameron Graham University Lead for ENroute , Senior Fellow