Gavin Waldeck
Edge Evolve C.O.O (Deputy Headmaster)
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways
acknowledge Him, and He shall make your paths strait.”
What made me cry:
• I do not cry easily, but it is not easy to accept that I disappointed a friend and his
company, in that we were not able to supply the customer with the solution we promised:
But: “When GOD takes away something from your hand, don’t think He’s punishing you….. He
is merely emptying your hand for you to receive something better”
What made me laugh:
• “The happiest people don’t have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything”
• Rewarding people for the hard work and there effort they put in during the year.
• After starting this year on the wrong foot [not being appreciated for the effort that had been put
into an engagement] with one of our biggest customers, they are now asking us to resolve some
of their issues [the trust is there that we have the ability, skill, and willingness to help].
The year’s endeavours:
Structure changes
TouchPay integration
Operation stability
Fina ncial reporting structure
“Your actions should inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more.”