FINALIST : Livingstone Shire Council Capricorn Coast Community Resource Recovery Centre – Circular Economy in action In 2021 , Livingstone Shire Council released its Strategy which will see Livingstone Shire Council supporting the community ’ s transition to a circular economy for better health , environmental and sustainability outcomes .
Council needed to keep pace with changing policy and legislative requirements , alongside community expectations , and this strategy identified the themes , priorities and actions required to respond to future needs .
Livingstone Shire Council faced a significant challenge with the local landfill site rapidly nearing the end of its capacity . The new waste strategy features Resource Recovery as a key action , and from this , the concept plan for a new Community Resource Recovery Centre at Yeppoon Landfill was created .
Council successfully applied for funding from the Queensland Government ’ s Resource Recovery Industry Development Program and work commenced on transforming the way Livingstone Shire Council residents reduce , reuse and recycle .
CATEGORY 9 : ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT RISING STAR LEADERSHIP This award recognises outstanding achievement by a young , emerging leader in the economic development profession .
WINNER : Emmily Acton ACEcD
Emmily Acton is a passionate economic development professional creating positive outcomes for the community in a local government setting .
In addition to her role as Economic Development Officer at the City of Newcastle , Emmily currently sits on the Board of Directors for the not-for-profit Australian Smart Communities Association .
Emmily seeks to ensure equity , participation and inclusion as she advocates across all levels of government to solve problems , enhance policy , capacity , confidence and to create innovative smart solutions for communities . With a background in research , Emmily combined her interests for both positive economic and community outcomes . Emmily volunteers her time with a NSW Government initiative , Purple Flag , which seeks to give accreditation to nighttime precincts displaying exceptional quality in diversity , safety , and vibrancy .
Finalist : Roxy Cheng Throughout her career , Roxy has consistently demonstrated unwavering commitment , determination , and innovative thinking .
She has gained valuable experience in the field of economic development through roles at Banyule City Council , City of Greater Dandenong Council , and Yarra Ranges Shire Council .
Roxy has conceived successful events , social media activities , and business programs with diverse and impactful results . Roxy has facilitated valuable opportunities for local entrepreneurs and businesses to thrive including over 30 culturally diverse background startups .
Roxy ’ s contributions to various programs and initiatives , coupled with her ability to foster relationships and deliver impactful results , have positioned her as a true rising star in the field .
THE PETER CHAFFEY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT LEADERSHIP AWARD This award is named for the late Peter Chaffey who was the recipient of the economic development agent of change award in 2017 .
Successful nominations will have had a significant impact on revitalising communities , and will have been at the forefront of developing and delivering projects that drive innovation and change . They will have played a major role in shaping and improving the practice of economic development .
WINNER - Paula Brennan ACEcD
Paula Brennan has more than 20 years ’ experience directly delivering economic development , coaching emerging economic development professionals , and playing a leadership role in transforming the sector .
Paula became a trailblazer in delivering socially inclusive economic development through her immersive studies with the Centre for Local Economic Strategies ( CLES ) in the UK . Outcomes of this work include implementing initiatives to empower local social enterprises to operate sustainable profit-making business models .
Paula drove the development of an integrated food strategy for her region , leading the development of a strong brand showcasing the diverse cultural food experiences , driving visitation and economic return for local businesses .
More recently , Paula attracted the global brand , ‘ Maker Faire ’ to Australia which is driving innovation and creative thinking , supporting technology-based start-ups and developing talent for the tech sector .
This award recognises an individual who has demonstrated exemplary performance in the economic development profession .
Paula has been an active member of EDA since commencing in the sector , holding leadership roles on the EDA Victoria