EDA Journal Vol 15 No 3 | Page 28

The multi-channel campaign generated leads and raised awareness of the benefits of establishing , relocating or expanding business on the Sunshine Coast . The campaign ’ s outstanding reach and engagement lead to tangible new investment projects for the region .
Designed to encourage workers , residents and visitors back to city restaurants , the popular program saw a total of 850,000 customer rebate claims . A total of $ 23 million was provided directly back to 2 million customers , which equated to at least $ 98 million in economic stimulus to the city .
FINALIST : Sunshine Coast Council Give your business a boost of Vitamin SC During the dramatic slowdown in economic activity caused by COVID-19 , Sunshine Coast Council wanted to let investors know that the Sunshine Coast is open for business .
The ‘ Give your business a boost of Vitamin SC ’ was the centrepiece of these efforts . A suite of 5 videos shone a spot light on :
• The high speed data through Sunshine Coast ’ s International Broadband Network .
• Connectivity via the Sunshine Coast Airport ’ s new international runway .
• The enviable work-life balance available in the region .
CATEGORY 3 . ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE IN - PARTNERSHIPS & COLLABORATION This award recognises excellence in economic development through meaningful collaboration . Entrants were required to demonstrate that there has been an enhanced economic revitalisation of a region or industry by taking a partnership approach .
WINNER : City of Casey Changing Perceptions in Employment The Changing Perceptions in Employment project was a place-based initiative designed to respond to the needs of employers and job seekers in Melbourne ’ s southeast . Funded by the Victorian Government , the project was delivered by the City of Casey on behalf of the six Councils that make up the Southern region .
The project aimed to develop skills and fill jobs using a holistic , wrap-around approach that focussed on the individual . This person-centric approach allowed the project team to apply a human lens to the complex issue of unemployment , rather than a transactional arrangement .
The project also aimed to identify the needs of the employers and build rapport and interaction between the employer and job seeker in the hope of removing job seeker anxieties and changing perceptions between job seekers and employers . In order to make this happen , Council operated as the intermediary between job seekers , employers , industry bodies and state and federal employment service providers .
FINALIST : Regional Development Australia Adelaide Hills , Fleurieu & Kangaroo Island The Fleurieu Community Co-operative The establishment of The Fleurieu Community Co-operative is an excellent example of the result of collaboration which has resulted in aligned , formal partnerships amongst co-op members , representing the entire red meat supply chain . Members include production , wholesale , value-add manufacturing , distribution , retail and even industry suppliers .
VOL 15 NO 3 2022 28 www . edaustralia . com . au