The Sunshine Coast Investment Assistance Program was a centrepiece of this strategy , designed to stimulate economic recovery by accelerating large construction projects to begin works before the end of 2022 .
The Shire is leading a coalition of partners , including federal and state government , academia and industry . With the long-term economic impact from the Food Innovation Precinct estimated to be $ 110M , early export trials are on track to deliver at least 3 % of the forecast growth by 2023 .
Council announced incentives and called on the investment community to bring forward projects for fast-tracking . Council established a Business Response Champions Group of senior managers across council and collaborated closely with industry .
These efforts have resulted in 22 approved projects , representing over $ 510m direct investment and over 1200 new jobs .
This economic leadership by the Shire has been recognised by the Government of Sabah in Malaysia , resulting in a purposeled collaboration , set to further boost economic partnerships .
FINALIST : Sunshine Coast Council Ground up COVID recovery plan COVID-19 caused a dramatic slowdown in economic activity in the Sunshine Coast , with local GRP dropping 9 % in the June 2020 quarter with 15,000 jobs lost .
To address the economic challenges , the Sunshine Coast Economic Resurgence Plan was developed .
CATEGORY 2 . ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE IN - MARKETING & PROMOTION Marketing and promotion is a vital skill for many economic development practitioners . This award focusses on the planning stage through to implementation . It is not influenced by the size or budget of a campaign but the effectiveness of the methods and approach adopted .
WINNER : City of Subiaco See Subiaco : Town Centre Exchange See Subiaco : Town Centre Exchange was a 12-month innovative content development project , designed to have a direct and immediate positive impact for Subiaco ’ s town centre businesses .
This highly successful initiative engaged 112 businesses , 10 commercial partners , created a marketing reach of close to $ 5m and reached over 52,000 visitors .
FINALIST : The City of Melbourne Melbourne Money Melbourne Money was an Australian-first economic stimulus initiative . Designed as a cashback incentive program for consumers and businesses , diners in Melbourne restaurants , cafes and bars were encouraged to submit claims for cash rebates .
More than 3000 eligible city hospitality venues were automatically registered .
Rokeby Road , Subiaco , an iconic Perth high street , once considered a ‘ must-see ’ hub of activity has been in a period of decline . The See Subiaco project delivered video content which brought Subiaco ’ s food , wine , fashion , music and arts precincts to life .
MIDWEEK Melbourne Money
It ’ s back ! Claim 25 per cent off your bill when you dine in the city Monday to Thursday .
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