Eczema Free Forever PDF / eBook Free Download Eczema Free Forever Book | Page 6

With a specialization in skin care under my belt and having served humanity as natural remedies expert all my life, I knew exactly how to cure my son. And I did exactly that, within 10 days! Seeing Samuel cured within 10 days, one of his classmate’s mother who had also developed a severe case of eczema gave me a phone call and asked me for the step-by-step treatment. Well, I gave her the exact same step-by-step homemade and natural treatment that I had applied on Samuel. When I happened to meet her at the parents-teachers meeting a fortnight later, she looked liked she'd taken a dip in the Fountain of Youth! She told me that she'd applied all sorts of creams previously without any results or at best - just temporary results. But was delighted when my natural treatment worked on her like clockwork! 9