Eczema Free Forever PDF / eBook Free Download Eczema Free Forever Book | Page 5

Introduction The National Institutes of Health estimates that 15 million people in the United States alone have some form of eczema. About 10 percent to 20 percent of all infants have eczema; however, in nearly half of these children, the disease will improve greatly by the time they are between five and 15 years of age. Others will have some form of the disease throughout their lives. Unfortunately, my son Samuel, who too was suffering from eczema just like the thousands of children and adults across the world, developed a severe form of eczema. He developed red swollen skin that made him scratch his skin and eventually caused oozing lesions. All this happened when he was just 9 years old. I could see it from the corner of my eye, every morning when I dropped him off to school - that it made some onlookers thinks that I was beating him regularly! 8