Eczema Free Forever PDF / eBook Free Download Eczema Free Forever Book | Page 43

Accelerating cell renewal and stimulates natural self healing . These foods do not destroy enzymes , hormones , vitamins and minerals due to the heat generated . They do not heat fats and oils . These foods do not deteriorate the quality of proteins . They bring about atronomical increase in all vitamins .
When food is heated up or processed , the process of digestion increases the leucocytes ( white blood cells ) in the stomach . However , this does not happen with biogenic or bioactive foods . As a result leucocytes will wander about in the blood stream and will react effectively to defend our body against a multitude of invaders in the air . After all , it is estimated that we breathe in approximately 1200- 1300 liters of air per hour and it is vital our body stays in good form to defend all the invaders that are waiting to attack us in .
Did you know that normal cooked dinner increases our blood pressure and can increase our pulse as much as twice the usual rate ? If smoking and alcohol is also added to the process , we can easily get a heart attack as well .