Ecuador Unplugged Vol 1. Issue 1 | Page 3

Ecuador Unplugged is proud to launch The Collective, a rich and visually stimulating compilation of various photographers focusing in and on Ecuador, it people and its places. The purpose of The Collective is dovetailed with the purpose of Ecuador Unplugged - to bring to you the real people, real places and real life of Ecuador either though our stories or through the images of our contributors and friends.

Our initial launch on December 11, 2012, focused on the works of renowned photographers Jo Reason, Len Langevin, Adrian Stone, Marco Polo, and Takahiro Goto. Each photographer possesses a strength all their own and a passion for not only photography but the people and places of Ecuador. In this compilation you will be able to travel all corners of Ecuador through through spectacular imagery that itself tells the story of this unique gem in South America. Their photos will entice you into visiting us and experiencing for yourself the rich natural and human beauty of this often overlooked paradise.

Since our launch we have expanded to include Doug Pyper, professional photogrpaher and photojournalist to our midst.

Join us in welcoming our new addition to the Ecuador Unplugged family - The Collective and tell us your thoughts on the images and section in the comments on our site! Ecuador ....Unplugged!

The Collective - Photographers Eye on Ecuador