Ecuador Unplugged Vol 1. Issue 1 | Page 2

Welcome to Ecuador Unplugged: The Collective premier issue!

As you see, we are using an extremely inexpensive format to spread the word about Ecuador as THE place to be in South America. The old saying "a picture is worth a thousand words" still holds true, and perhaps more so, in this digital age. Quite simply we are creating this free publication because we believe ECUADOR UNPLUGGED: THE COLLECTIVE should exist, and that what our contributors have to share needs sharing.

Four issues per year is our initial target, the first being Issue 1 Winter 2013 focusing on the work of our Collective as it pertains to images of the people of Ecuador. Through our photojournalistic approach we intend to share with the world the rich multicultural heritage of Ecuador, a small but culturally diverse country. Each image has been selectively chosen by the photographer and submitted to Ecuador Unplugged as part of our recent launch of The Collective - a journey through the people, places and life of Ecuador.

Future issues will focus on the core principles of Ecuador Unplugged (Real People, Real Places and Real Life) with our last issue looking back on the year.

Why are undertaking such an endeavour? The magazine, the website and all of our efforts are, simply put, a labour of love. To the Founders of Ecuador Unplugged and our contributors, Ecuador is simply the Jewel (Pearl if you like) of South America. Nowhere else in South America, or anywhere else in the world, can you find the level of biodiversity, cultural diversity and overall charm all in one location. In Ecuador you can stand on the beaches of the Pacific to see the morning sunrise, have lunch in the Andes and watch the sunset in the Amazon, all in one day.

Welcome to our labour of love, visit us on Facebook, Google+, and Twitter and - of course - our website where you can read about the adventures of our contributors in Ecuador through our Blog, or simply browse through the images of The Collective to be amazed at the richness of the BEST of South America.



Ecuador Unplugged

Guayaquil, Ecuador


Adrian Stone

Sub- Editor

Regina Ortiz


Ecuador Unplugged


Adrian Stone

Doug Pyper

Jo Reason

Len Langevin

Marco Polo

Takahiro Goto


[email protected]


Copyright©2013. All rights reserved. All images included here are copyright protected in the name of the artist. No form

of reproduction, including copying or saving of digital image files, or the alteration or manipulation of said image

files, is authorized unless approved by the artist.



Regina Ortiz, Owner/Founder

Ecuador Unplugged