Photo: Nitsan Tal
The best way to achieve “body peace,”
EMME said, “has nothing to do with the
size or shape of your body. It’s your view
and feelings from the inside. Those
positive or negative thoughts affect the
jobs you seek, your relationships, your
goals, and how people treat you,” EMME
explained. “But to be treated well, we
must treat ourselves first and foremost
with dignity. It may take a lifetime to get
there, but it's worth the effort and lifeaffirming awareness!”
“Sometimes just getting enough sleep,
getting up and out for a good sweat, and
hanging with happy, successful, passiondriven friends is all you need to feel better
and more at peace inside,” added EMME.
“A lot of life has to do with who you hang
with. I’d be a different person if I wasn’t
athletic or didn't have the great friends I
have. There's no body bashing pity parties,
calorie counting talk, or putting others
down. My being as physical as I am and
having good healthy bonds gives me
confidence no matter what size I am. It
gives me confidence no matter what size I
EMME’s overall message? Weight
doesn’t matter. What does matter is how
you feel and you