Mount Bethel United Methodist Church , Harmony , NC
Caring for Communities
From Backpack Buddies to Ramp Building
Throughout the state of North Carolina , United Methodist congregations – both large and small – are caring for their communities . Some do so in creative , outsidethe-box ways . Others do so in more expected , conventional ways . Nevertheless , rural communities rely on churches during all seasons of life .
Almost all of the congregations we surveyed , for example , operate a food pantry or support a local food pantry by donating food and sending groups of volunteers . Other common programs include :
• Supplementary food programs for area students ( typically in partnership with a nearby school )
• Free summer camps
• Construction of handicap accessibility ramps for private residences
• Benevolent giving on an as needed basis
Supplementary food programs are critical to ensure that food insecure students who receive free breakfast and lunch at school are fed when they are not in school – especially on weekends and holidays . This cause is dear to many of the congregations that were surveyed , which oftentimes operate this type of program under the name ‘ Backpack Buddies .’ Trinity United Methodist Church in Louisburg is one such ongregation .
Trinity United Methodist Church is an older congregation . Most of its congregants are in their late 60s and early 70s , but they have a heart for children and youth . Each year , Trinity partners with nearby Laurel Hill Elementary School to support its Backpack Buddies program . Like other programs of its kind , it ensures that low income
Photo by Clayton Hanson
students receive the food they need to get through weekends and holidays as well as school supplies at the outset of the school year . Each weekend ( all year long ), Trinity sends volunteers , as well as donations of food and school supplies , to the program . This activity generates over $ 20,000 in civic value each year . This includes 742 volunteer hours and $ 2,400 in donated goods .
Handicap accessibility ramp building is another common activity . Congregations do this for older adults in their communities who are struggling with mobility and may not be able to afford to hire a contractor to do the work . For example , in an average year Bethlehem United Methodist Church in Statesville constructs two ramps . This typically involves 15-20 volunteers working 16 hours each , which is equivalent to $ 28,060 worth of volunteer time . Volunteers also donate the materials – worth at least $ 2,000 per ramp .