Economic Halo Effect of Rural UMCs in N Carolina | Page 27

Recreation Space ( 1 % of the total )
Congregations also provide amenities such as community playgrounds or other recreation space . The overall contribution attributed to recreation space is very small , at 1 % of overall economic impact . The average value of recreation space was $ 9,719 . Recreation spaces attracted an average of 1,741 visitors per year , with a minimum of zero and maximum of 26,000 visits per year . The median was 450 visits .
Although open space isn ’ t lacking in most rural areas , safe places in which to recreate are . Well-maintained places , such as walking trails , athletic fields , and playgrounds are needed to allow people to comfortably gather and / or exercise away from busy streets or other hazards . For example , shared use agreements , which allow groups to use recreational facilities independently of the parent organization ( such as a church or school ) and access to parks and recreational facilities are an important part of plans to combat childhood obesity , which is of particular concern in rural areas . 21
Gethsemane United Methodist Church , Guilford County , NC
21 National Association of Counties . ( 2008 ). Rural Obesity : Strategies to Support Rural Counties in Building Capacity . Retrieved from https :// www . ca-ilg . org / sites / main / files / file-attachments / resources __ Rural _ Obesity _ Strategies . pdf