News From Africa April 2014 + lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Poverty In Africa Children Three in every 10 die each day from Diseases Pellentesque nunc odio, mattis sit amet, commodo nec, consectetuer quis, nibh. page Children Most of them go to bed hunger at least three days of the 7day week 3 Women Fend for their families in dirty market places and filthy streets Africa Can + We get ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN AFRICA there? Poverty affects a greater number of What’s the price? War? Corruption? Or Economic Justice and equality for all? What’s it going to be? Is fill with Diseases and hunger. Why? Underdevelopment? Africans especially women and children. Of the world’s population of about 7 billion people, over 1.3 billion live on about a dollar twenty-five cents a day and most others can hardly meet their basic needs. Poverty in African nations has resulted into poor economic performance by these nations. Poverty Wayne State University Economics 6415 is general scarcity or death, the state of one who lacks a certain amount of material possessions or money. Many Africans live in absolute poverty-the deprivation of basic human needs, which includes food, water, sanitation, clothing, shelter, health care and education. more on 2