Ecological Health Report (2nd Annual) 2022 | Page 44

Illustration of the design and function of a native plant rain garden within the landscape . This practice assists in capturing excess stormwater runoff from impervious surfaces and recharging groundwater .
The ecological integrity of Kiawah Island is largely dependent on the presence of intact natural habitat . Development and other human-induced disturbances negatively impact the integrity of these habitats which affect wildlife and lead to declines in environmental conditions . Protection of these habitats and natural landscapes is essential to supporting the ecosystem . As a non-profit , accredited land trust , the Kiawah Conservancy continues to provide perpetual protection of natural habitat on Kiawah Island through conservation easements and ownership of property . The Kiawah Conservancy currently protects over 2,308 acres of wildlife habitat , with 25.5 acres having been preserved in 2022 through two conservation easements and five property donations . The Conservancy continues to seek new opportunities to protect natural habitat within the Kiawah River Watershed .
Providing wildlife friendly landscapes which incorporate the use of native plants is important for developed homesites . The Conservancy continually assess this effort through our Naturally Kiawah Habitat Recognition Program . Landscapes with dense vegetative buffers , ample groundcovers , limited coverage of lawns , limited applications of mulch or pinestraw , and absence of invasive plants generally meet the criteria for Naturally Kiawah Habitat Recognition . Landscaping practices which also maintain these landscapes for the benefit of wildlife are highly recommended , especially in areas adjacent to critical wildlife habitat , such as Important Bobcat Areas ( Town of Kiawah Island , 2014 ). This includes limiting major pruning efforts in the landscape to winter time ( November - February ) to prevent negative impacts to denning bobcats .