Ecological Health Report (2nd Annual) 2022 | Page 39

Number of days where tidal thresholds were met between 2015 and 2022 . Data from the Charleston Harbor Tide Gauge ( NOAA / NOS / CO-OPS # 8665530 ). The following tidal thresholds relative to the NAVD88 datum were used : King Tide ( 3.46 ’), minor flood ( 3.86 ’), moderate flood ( 4.36 ’), and major flood ( 4.86 ’).
Relative sea level trend at the Charleston Harbor Tide Gauge . The relative sea level trend is 3.39 millimeters / year with a 95 % confidence interval of +/ - 0.19 mm / yr based on monthly mean sea level data from 1901 to 2021 . This is equivalent to a change of 1.11 feet in 100 years ( NOAA / NOS / CO-OPS )
Modeled tidal inundation within the Little Bear Island Conservation Easement area showing the minimum extent of tide flooding events .
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