ECOality Magazine Issue 1, July 2014 | Page 5

make a difference in this world: help a friend, care for an animal, plant a tree, sign a petition, recycle your clothes or electronics, purchase biodegradable bags. However small the gesture, it matters to someone. Perhaps the light in you will awaken the light in them. Our writers follow their bliss by drawing on their personal experiences with nature, and through powerful, descriptive, imaginative language, they bring this profound joy to you. Simply by choosing to read our innovative magazine, you have chosen to open your eyes to the mystery, magic, and many perils present in the world you call home. I hope you enjoy what our contributors have offered, which encapsulates their souls on the page. May we inspire you to follow your bliss. “If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly, our whole life would change.” - Siddhartha Gautama 5