Eco Friendly Actions Alternative Energy Sources Compositions alternative energy sources ebook | Page 3

ALTERNATIVE ENERGY SOURCES IMPORTANCE There are many forms of alternative energy sources, such as marine energy, hydroelectric, wind, geothermal and solar power. In 2010 renewable energy in Lithuania constituted 19.7% of the country overall electricity generation. The Lithuanian government aims to generate 23% of total power from renewable resources by 2020. In Lithuania the most popular forms of the alternative energy are wind power and sun energy. As of 18 January 2017, Lithuania has 2,566 power plants installed and holding permits to generate electricity from RES. • (2,263) solar plants – 72.54 MW; • (153) wind plants (farms) – 498.906 MW; • (12) solid biomass plants – 64.95 MW; • (39) biogas plants – 35.05 MW; • (99) hydro electric plants – 127.909 MW. In my opinion we need to motivate people to start using alternative energy sources if we want to have the brighter future. I think that energy type can help the world to be cleaner. We should use them because they are renewable and less polluting. MATAS L./LITHUANIA ALTERNATIVE ENERGY SOURCES Alternative energy sources First of all alternative energy sources are sources of energy from natural sources like wind power and hydro power. They are good for the environment. There is wind power, solar power and hydro energy in Lithuania. I think that alternative energy sources are really good because they don't harm the environment. The only throw back is that they don't generate as much energy as other sources of power. But I'm not saying that we shouldn't use them I just think that there is a lot of room to improve. If you don't know why we use them it's for the environment. Liudvikas/Lithuania ECO FRIENDLY ACTIONS 2016-2018