REQUIRED EQUIPMENT Cardboard box Black colored cardboard Glue or stick Scissors Yellow colored construction paper 3 Styrofoam globes Rope ACTIVITIES WITHIN THE CONCEPT OF SCIENCE Students are asked what they see on the sky during the day and night. They go out to the schoolyard and do observation. They are sked to do a night observation at home. The results of the observation are shared with the class. Shapes of the Sun, the Earth, the Moon and the stars are studied. Al-Biruni and Galileo, who are among the scientist that worked on the shape of the Earth, are introduced to the class. ACTIVITIES WITHIN THE CONCEPT OF TECHNOLOGY http://www.quivervision.com/ A painting activity is done with the Quiver activity and the shape of the Earth is animated by the students through augmented reality. ACTIVITIES WITHIN THE CONCEPT OF ENGINEERING Students model what they see on the sky during the day and night on a clear day ACTIVITIES WITHIN THE CONCEPT OF MATHS Geometrical figures are introduced. Side and corner numbers are stated. A pattern is formed. The rule of the pattern is identified. ACTIVITIES WTHIN THE CONCEPT OF ARTS Students are asked to draw what they see on the sky at night. 3. FORMATION OF THE LESSON PLAN Engage Students are asked a variety of riddles. *Gece gözükür. Gündüz saklanırım. Ateştendir vücudum. Bilin bakalım ben kimim? (Yıldız) *Kıpkırmızı ateş gibiyim. Hiç kıpırdamadan beklerim. Dokunamaz kimse bana. Bilin bakalım ben kimim? (Güneş)