Areas of specialisation in botanical science
As mentioned earlier, the scientific field of botany is very vast. One area is
known as plant anatomy, where botanists carry out research on the cells and
tissues. Generally, they study the features of different cells and tissues and how
new cells and tissues are formed.
The various functions, structures and life history of plant cells are further
investigated in a branch of botany known as cytology, a detailed research of the
anatomy of a plant. Different cells have distinctive functions of their own, just as
we have learnt in basic science about plants.
Ecology is the scientific field of
relationship between plants and the
environment they are living in. Here,
interactions between plants with other
plants and their surroundings are studied
by botanists. Different environments will
yield different results and outcomes. The
diversity, distribution, population of the
plants as well as competition between
them are also within the scope of study.
Some botanists delve even deeper into
the genes of the plants or their genetics.
Here, they will spend their time in labs,
studying plant genes and their properties
and functions. Variations in genes and
what they can inherit are analysed
carefully to find out which genetic
attributes can be used and spliced to
existing plant species to for instance,
produce new plant variants with higher
crop yields or resistance to disease.
Of course, phytochemistry comes into
picture when botanical research focuses
on the chemical side of the life cycles of
plants. After all, plants processes such as
respiration and photosynthesis involve
chemical elements. Take the process
of photosynthesis for example. In the
presence of sunlight, carbon dioxide
(CO2) combines with water (H2O) to
produce glucose (C6H12O6) and oxygen
(O2). From the example, basic chemical
elements such as carbon (C), hydrogen
(H) and oxygen (O) are involved. When
it comes to the research of chemical
products from plants, scientists will
venture into the field of biochemistry.
Note: There is a branch of study
in the linguistic field also know
as morphology. In linguistics,
morphology is the study of
structure of languange’s phonemes
and other linguistic units. Don’t
confuse between the two.
easyuni Guide 2014
Issue 2
Horticulture is about the production of
cultivated or ornamental plants and also
fruit and vegetable crops. Botanists use
their skills, knowledge and technologies
to grow plants useful to human beings
for food or non-food uses such as
decoration. The field of horticulture is
a combination of a few aspects of pure
sciences: chemistry, biology, physics,
geology, mathematics, and other specific
scientific fields.
Plants, like humans, will fall sick. To
find the cures or antidotes to these
sicknesses, botanists must first study the
diseases that plants contract. Then, they
will try to figure out how to cure these
diseases before they could create the
appropriate antidotes. This field of study
is known as plant pathology.
The vital processes and functions or
the physiology of plants are among
the topics of interest to botanists. Plant
scientists study important plant processes
such as respiration, photosynthesis and
reproduction. The existence of plants is
considered vital; if there are no plants in
this world, the carbon dioxide released
by living things on Earth will accumulate
and eventually cause climate change.
Morphology is the scientific study
of macroscopic plant forms and life
cycles, as well as the evolution and
developments of roots, stems and leaves.
Research is carried out to learn how
leaves and roots are formed. Different
plants have different roots, leaves and
stems. To study more about these
vital plant parts, botanists have to do
experiments in greenhouses to study the
development stages of stems and leaves.
botanists will study trees in the forests.
This area is less known but quite
important. Forestry is the study of forest
management and utilisation of forest
products. It is the science of managing,
using and conserving forests and their
resources to produce environmental
supplies and services that improve our
daily lives.
Some types of food we consume
daily come from plants. Some parts of
plants can be used and manufactured
into food items. This specific area of
botany is known as food science and
technology. In this area, botanists study
different parts of plants and determine
which parts can be further developed
into edibles. Such useable parts include
seeds, flowers, roots, leaves and fruits.
Of course, not all these parts can be
turned into food. For example, the
tubers of potatoes can be eaten but
not the leaves, which contain toxic
glycoalkaloids. Food science is considered
an interesting field of study in botany.
Another specialised area of the botanical
science is known as forestry. Here,
Agriculture is considered an
important field in botanical science.
This area is basically about the science
and management of plants for the
production of food and pharmaceuticals.
We need food to survive, which is why
agriculture plays an essential role in our
daily lives and the economy of a country.
Landscape design is an important
sub-discipline of horticulture. You
might have wondered how amazing
your neighbour’s garden or recreational
parks look like. The way how plants
and scenic features such as stones and
ornaments are arranged mus Ё