finding yourself
Written by Tara Chandra.
Photo taken by James Coomer @internetjames
Developing your style and growing your confidence. Based on my real life experiences. Giving you advice I wish I had
when growing up.
One of my most frequently asked questions is
‘How are you so confident in what you wear?’ I
feel like I answer this question so simply and so
quickly that it becomes second nature for me to
respond with something along the lines of
‘pretend to be confident and don’t think about
what other people think of you.’ But, it’s so much
more than that.
Being Unique. People that are looking to find
confidence in their style are most likely trying to
break away from the norm and to dress differently.
Look towards second hand clothing from markets,
op shops and thrift stores. These are often both a
cheaper and more sustainable alternative to
shopping fast fashion, plus the clothes are likely
one of a kind.
If you really suffer from lack of confidence or
you’re a super shy person – I feel you. Growing
up, I was always described as the ‘shy kid’ who
would hide behind their parents legs when an
acquaintance or a stranger asked what my name
was. I wouldn’t even talk to relatives and family
friends! One situation I clearly remember was at
my grandparent’s house. It was the first time I
remember meeting my Dad’s cousin. I wouldn’t
say a single word, meanwhile my older sister did
the talking for both of us. My Dad’s cousin
latched onto the idea that I was interested in art
and we ‘conversed’ the entire night by drawing
our conversation, till I was brave enough to
actually use my voice. Although this doesn’t
exactly relate to confidence in style, it’s a small
example that has the same underlying notion of
my growth in confidence today. So here are some
tips to growing your style and confidence…
Start Small & Slowly. It’s not a race. Use this
time to discover new styles, find what you like
and to slowly grow. Begin to integrate new pieces
into your outfits over time, whether this is just a
chunky choker, funky earrings or a new top.
Experiment. Try out new things! Don’t be afraid,
just do it! There’s no better time to experiment
with your style but now. Experimenting is
something that you should constantly be doing
(even after you’ve developed your ‘look’). If you
as a person is constantly changing, so can your
People Don’t Actually Care. They really don’t
care what you’re wearing. Stares? You probably
won’t see them again. They’re probably admiring
your ability to wear that sick piece with