East School Newsletters term 3 2013. 4th September 2013. | Page 5
Approisol Principol this on opproiser twooccosions term.He of Boord Trusteeoppointed cer Emilyhqsmetwith Spen Baley, to spoke tomoriki. Spencer report.Thisterm wosdqtocollection. writingup her opproisol is currently this The ond members. Boordlooksforwordto receivirrg report supportstoff , tenchers Boord whonou, with her next steps. Emily ondsupporting Steoling doorsof morning ute now gotng from clossrooms, ape locking missing food ondresources Dueto money, so etc os spoken a staff oboutputtingcomputers/hondbogsowoy children Wehove teo ondlunchtime. to ore not tempted touchthem. Pool Heotingof Swimming First Trust. from Sovereign dueto goloprofits ondo donotion The poolheotingis totolly self-funded eorlynext month. Account. workwill be completed All Support Thefundsore sitting in the School Stoffnoom Door 'foiry'unlocked three nightsin o it A steelplotehosbeenfitted to the stqffroomexternoldoorofter o Odd the open door,not octivotethe olormor tokeonything. but fixed. row.Theywould WhonouRoom to We Room, wehove foundrot ondmoldon onewoll. owoito quote woter out After cleoring the Whonou spotfor usto shore. a lovely sunny to proofthis.ft is going be RoodSofety Street ot the ot in Council regordto the congestion the gotelDonnelly the hos Emify contocted Houroki of ond the hos dcy.OPUS viewed problem is writinguPo rePortfor our Boord endof the school os thot wewill get a zebrocrossing there is not they hovenotedthot it is unlikely Trustees. Verbolly dur ingthe dcy.Theyhovesuggested enough foot troffic or volume . Wqlking of school (groups chiHrenwqlkwith adults). bus . Flexible uptimes. pick Bible In School untilnext Yeor. This is currentlyin recess (SW|S) SociolWor*ers in Schools to Lynetteottendedthe introduction this in Pqeroo to hqs Our school beenselected join this progrqmme. on Thursdoy. Notionql Stondords Doto- o PrcgressReport in Writingond report ogoinst Mtionql Stqndords Reoding, o Emify,LynetteandGlenpresented progress initiotives thot hove todote ondthe vorious The Boord wereimprusedwith our ochievements Moths. The Boord receive report in December will o of to beenput in ploce meetthe needs oll ourstudents. will during yeor.This informotion thengoon lineqnd the ond mqde our outlining ochievements progress ond be shored with the Ministryof Educotion mediq. N€xt ltieeting in 23"d 5.30pm the whorekoi. will Our next meeting be Mondcy of September, KindRegods (Deputy (Choirperson), Julie, Choirperson),Peter,Tineke, AlexondEmily. Seton Donno