East School Newsletters term 3 2013. 4th September 2013. | Page 4
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Donnelly Street Waihi Ph: 07 E63869:l Fax; 07 863E671 [email protected] Email: Web: wvrnr.waihi-east.sctrool.nz
Augrust Newsfrorn the Boold of Trustees Heolth FocusTerm 3 hos Shor from ENERGIZE two focus oreosthis term bosedon heclthyeoting. o Four food groups n The sondwich roce-stickercfor childrenwhohovesommies school.,Sandwiches of a?ea reosonably cheap ond filling optionfor lunch. It's greot to seeso mony sondwiches school. of ililk fn Schools progromme, provided Fonterrq.Nine milk monitors We are nowport of the Milk In Schools by havebeentroined.Their job is to delivermilk to closses mokesure the recycling process ond hoppens ocrossthe school. We hovehoda few hiccups mostchildrenore enjoying but this new refreshmentond nourishment. Zoo Trip After significontodvertistng/text 90%of our tomarikiottended the zootrip. A number did , qnd not ottend due to illness. The zootrip wosspectoculor the leorning well worth the invesfmentby the Boardof Trustees. School Disco The ENTERPRIZE Teomorgonised fqbulousdisco for the school.They roised $29O for o senior comp2Ot4. They hdvereviewedtheir evening hovenewideosfor their next disco and loter this term including cheoper food itemsondon eqrlier finish. Stoffiry has in ShoronPickering set up o beoutifulclossroom the holl.She hosspentsignificanttime ot schoofviewingin closses ond mokingsu?eher children will hoveo great learningexpertence with her. The Boordhoverotified the employment Brior Frewond PhilGurnick Permonent Positionsof os permonent scoleA teachers.Policyond Ministry of Educotionrequirements were teom is now followed.Ourleodership (leading o SeniorSchoolDeputyPrincipal-Glen Robbie ondPhil) (leoding o Junior SchoolDeputyPrincipol-Lynette ond Maren) Liono o TeomLeader-Brior (leodingJude and SharonP).
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