East School Newsletters term 3 2013. 28 August 2013. | Page 4

Welcome MAD to (Making Difference) A MADis a groupof parentswho providean importantlink between schooland parents. the Our aim is to encourage familyinvolvement the schools in social and fundraising activities. Our fundraising effortsprovideimportantfundingto the school for suchthingsas: classroom equipment, school camps,sports equipment and more. All waihi EastSchool familiesare welcome attendMADgetto togethers. welcome ideas,helpwith activities we all and any feedback. MADget-togethers held oncea monthto discuss are what the schoolneedsand ways we can go about raising fundsto make thoseneedsa realityfor our children. Datesare available throughthe schoolnewsletter, facebook pageand school website. We are alwayslookingfor helpers our socialevents(school for pit discos, rim run/walk) and fundraising (school gala, activities etc). You may not be able to attend a MADget-togetherbut you may be ableto sparesometime helping whichwould out be greatlyappreciated. MADis first a foremosta fun and relaxed groupworking togetherto make a better future for the studentsof Waihi East School.