East School Newsletters term 3 2013. 1st August 2013. | Page 3

SCHOOL TRACKSUITS Could ALL rugby players please return the school tracksuits to school immediately .
FUN FERNS Fun ferns has now finished for the year . Could all yellow skirts be returned to school now please .
School Mathethon Our school is organizing a Mathethon fundraiser and math awareness event . The aim of the event is to raise money for the school and help children learn number skills , while getting excited about mathematics . 100 % of all money raised goes to the school . Each child is given a number skill to focus on by their teacher . Children can then practice at home by visiting www . smartkiddies . com . au and clicking on the MATHETHON link . ( or by using printed worksheets supplied by the school ). At the completion of the practice period the children participate at school in a two-minute challenge . The aim is to answer as many questions correctly in two minutes as possible .
Fundraising element ; Students are asked to get sponsors for the number of questions they will answer correctly during the two minute challenge . They are sponsored on a ‘ per question answered correctly ’ basis . ( e . g . 10 cents sponsored per correct answer and 25 correct answers achieved , then the sponsor pays 10 x 12 = $ 2.50 )
Expected results ; Results for children vary greatly . However , it is estimated that most children will achieve a score of between 20 to 50 in two minutes . The maximum amount for a speedy mathematition is about 100 correct responses . You ’ ll get a good guide of how many correct responses your child can achieve by watching them practise at home on www . smartkiddies . com . au
COMMUNITY NOTICES What ' s For Dinner ?
Problem Solved ! Cooking lessons now on . Learning to cook is about techniques not recipes .
Next class focus : Sauces , Salads & Dressings 101 . Contact Michelle Tai 021 911 726 or Connie Riddle 021 224 4918 for more info .
Waihi Gymnastics Club Starts Wednesday 7th August , 3.30pm at the Waihi College Gym . 8 weeks $ 4 . Please register your child ’ s name and age , email waihigymnastics @ gmail . com
Meadow Fresh Get your school a share of $ 500,000 worth of Art Gear . Start collecting stickers from Meadow Fresh products in the shops at the moment . Sticker collection sheets at the office .
MUSIC CONCERT 2013 Wella Tasma is organising a concert with all her students from all schools for Thursday 22 August at Waihi College . Student practise is a 11am , matinee at 1.30pm and the evening performance at 6.30pm .
Please return sponsor sheets on Monday 12th August and the mathethon will take place at school on Tuesday 13th August . Your child ’ s score will be entered onto the sponsor sheet and sent home again to collect the sponsored money .
NETBALL DRAW For Saturday 3rd August : 9.00 ct . 1 Year 4 v Mighty Ferns 9.00 ct . 2 Year 3 v Yr . 3-4 St Josephs 9.00 ct . 3 Year 5 v Yr . 5 Beach Hops 10.00 ct . 3 Year 6 v Yr . 6 Beach DUTY : Thanks to all our lovely parents who did duty last time . What a fantastic job !
Fun Ferns : There is no more Fun Ferns for this year . Skirts are to be returned to school now please .