East School Newsletters term 3 2013. 1st August 2013. | Page 2

Kia ora
Welcome to Term Three . Is it me or is the year flying by ? Our staff have another action packed term ready for our tamariki . We have all enjoyed a refreshing break and are ready to offer many new and exciting experiences to excite and engage with our learners .
On Tuesday we had an incident where a child went home to another child ' s house without either parent giving permission . This caused massive stress for one of our whanau . It required Police support as well as parents and staff searching in our community . From now , all children awaiting pick up will wait on the school deck . Lynette , Glen and I will remain on gate duty and call for your children when we see you . Please remember we cannot monitor your child ' s play-dates , who is going where . If a child turns up at your house unexpected , please let the parents and us know . I have requested support from the Hauraki Council about our congestion problem with cars and traffic at pick up time at 3pm . Opus have been to visit . I will let you know of the outcomes .
Our hangi on the last day of term was stunning . Thank you all for your donation of kai and help putting down the hangi and serving . My particular thanks to Alex Heremaia for coordinating this event and working like a madman all day . You are an amazing person and we are very lucky to have you at Waihi East School .
Other staff members who deserve a mention for their efforts include Sharon Samson who worked during the holidays to keep our machine well oiled and Deanna and Murray Elliott for relieving as caretakers during Ross ’ s time away .
On the Wednesday 7th of August school is closing at 1.30pm for staff to take part in Ministry of Education training using a new assessment tool e-asTTle . Please ensure that your tamariki are picked up at 1.30pm allowing staff to fully participate in this programme .
Rangi Honey would like to coordinate our Support Group / PTA . This is a group of parents who get together to raise funds for our children . Events run by Support Group include disco ’ s , Pit Rim Run , Quiz Night and Gala . Coordinators for these events have included Anne-Marie , Bonnie , Leann and Donna . The name for this group will now be MAD-Make A Difference ! The first MAD Meeting will be on Monday 5th August , 2pm in the staffroom . Come along and help organize the Pit Rim Fun Run and other events . Kind Regards Emily
Newsletters home every Wed from next week
TIMETABLE CHANGES There are a few changes to our timetable this term . They include : * Assembly every fortnight , not weekly . A text message will be sent each fortnight to remind you who is presenting . * Electives every Monday afternoon . * Te reo / Tikanga time Tuesday afternoon in all classes . Kapakaka for Years 4-6 with Whetu Tuesday arvo . * Waka Group learning Wednesday and Thursday afternoon .
FONTERRA MILK FOR SCHOOLS This week we kicked off our daily milk in schools programme . Each child has a container of milk available to them each day . It is whanau choice if you do not want your child to participate in this .
KIDSCAN MUFTI DAY On Friday 9th August we will be holding a Mufti Day to raise funds for KidsCan . KidsCan is the organisation who has supplied the school this year with sunhats , raincoats , woolly scarves and beanies , some shoes and some food . Please support this very worthy charity by donating $ 2 per child and dressing in mufti .
KIDSCAN HATS AND SCARF SETS We love our new hats and scarves provided by KidsCan . These items can be worn as part of our uniform when students are outside the classroom . Too Cool KidsCan , it was worth the wait to be selected as a KidsCan School . MATARIKI T-SHIRT & TOTE BAGS T-shirts and tote bags orders are being taken now at the school office . T-shirts $ 20 & tote bags $ 10 .
HABITS OF MIND Our HOM for this week is “ Thinking Interdependently .” Work together ! Being able to work in and learn from others in reciprocal situations .. CHOCOLATES We still have boxes of chocolates for sale at school . For every box sold your family goes into the draw for a brand new BMX bike . A huge Thank You to Shane from Waihi Sports n Cycles for putting together the BMX bike for us . MINIBALL We are needing helpers / coaches and refs for our Friday after school year 1 & 2 miniball teams starting next week . Please let Briar know if you can help . No experience necessary . All welcome .
Aug 5
MAD meeting . 2pm .
Aug 7
School closes at 1.30pm .
Aug 9
KidsCan mufti day .
Aug 9
25 students to cluster day @ Golden Valley
Aug 15
Enterprise Group School Disco .
Aug 15
Room 1 & 8 Assembly .
Aug 22
Music students concert @ College .
Aug 23
Waihi Sevens tournament .
Aug 26
BOT meeting .
Aug 29
Room 2 & 5 assembly
Sept 12
Room 3 & 7 & 9 assembly
Sept 26
Room 4 & 6 assembly .
Sept 23-27 Junior anniversary reports .