Fall in Florida equals great golfing weather . The month of November is when the grass really begins to slow down allowing us to fine tune some details on the golf course . Plant beds , bunkers , and cart paths will be getting some needed attention during this time .
We have been working through some of the key visible tree and plant beds throughout the course . This is something that is very important to me and by removing weeds , volunteer plants and vines , we will get the clean and professional look that we are striving for . These are the kind of details that separate golf clubs based on attention to detail and quality .
The driving range tees are coming along nicely . We are hoping to open them for play in the middle of this month . It has come with some challenges , but I am happy with the progress being made . Each tee consists of different material underneath , one is very sandy and the other pure clay . This leads to a different fertility program for each , but we are up to the challenge . We will continue our horticultural practices throughout this month to make the turf as strong as possible to last throughout the cooler months ahead .
Playing conditions and appearance are noticeably improving and I am very happy with the results I am getting . I would like to thank the maintenance staff for their hard work and commitment to the club . I couldn ’ t do it without them ! Give them a thumbs up if you see them on the course , they are working hard for all of us . THANKS
Wes Parker
10 eaglebrooke newsletter