Golf Association
The MGA conducted the “Trifecta” tournament on July 25th, which is a popular 2-man, 3-format tournament.
The results were not available at the time the Newsletter is being written but hope that all who participated
enjoyed the event. We did not schedule a tournament in August since the course is usually challenged by the
heavy amounts of rain typical of this time of year.
The presence of the COVID-19 virus has turned 2020 into a very unusual year. Time honored golf
sportsmanship traditions such as shaking hands after the round, picking up a playing partner’s clubs, removing
the flag for fellow players and acts such as raking bunkers all have uncertainty attached to them this year. The
19th hole is different in a social distancing environment and limitations may be in play regarding the number
of people and where we can gather. Unfortunately, the virus has lingered and impacted our country much more
than we would have hoped and the club and members are constantly having to adjust to changing requirements
in order to keep our families, friends, playing partners and members safe. In these times of uncertainty, let’s be
respectful of the rules under which the Club must operate, the concerns of our fellow players and continue to
support the Club to the extent we can.
Heavy or repeated thunderstorms can cause course conditions to deteriorate rapidly, so it’s incumbent upon all
of us to use good judgement when playing and riding in carts after these storms and make sure we seek cover
when lightning threatens.
Let’s all work together to make August another successful month of play at the Club as we navigate through the
COVID-19 crisis and survive the heat of the summer doldrums!
Dave Conway, President
Tony Longa, Vice President
Steve Beck, Treasurer
Eric Cousins, Secretary
Smith Patterson, Tournament Chairman
Matt McDonald, Handicap Chairman
AUGUST eaglebrooke newsletter 17