e-VIBES 'The magazine for Newspapers and Commercial Printers First and the Maiden issue dated January 2017 | Page 3

January 2017 e-VIBES

January 2017 e-VIBES

Complexity and Ambiguity ) World . I can see you rolling up the sleeves to reduce the waste while reading this article , but hold on . We first have to understand the sources of waste . This is going to be an eye-opener for all of us . There are 8 significant different types of waste as follows : This is something shocking and surprising too !!! As a pressman , I am sure the moment , word waste is pronounced we all think of the one and only newsprint waste whereas the above picture tells totally a different story . Waste reduction is a part of Operational Excellence and it is always a Journey of Continuous and Breakthrough Improvements . This Journey is not having just 1 or 2 Speed breakers but threatening 8 . Nevertheless , we have to overcome these obstacles to prove to the business that we too add value .
How do we do that ? It is all in our thought process and the thought process is HOW DO WE MAKE OUR LIFE EASIER AND SIMPLER ? We want to eliminate waste and at the same time , working upon on all 8 types of waste is never going to be easier . You would have come across many puzzle games , where you should solve one main puzzle and all the subsequent puzzles are automatically solved . Do you see something like that here ? I see it . There is one waste out of the 8 categories which you can eliminate
100 % and if you are able to achieve that , other wastes are going to be a piece of cake . Before reading further , just take a look at the picture once again and try to find what it is . Have you fished it out ? Yes , you are right . It is the NON-UTILISED HUMAN TALENT . It is the PEOPLE who make the big difference in any process and they are the backbones of any improvement . One of the Jack Welch ’ s famous quotes says that any aspiring company should give challenging jobs to its people . All the leaders have to take a relook at their Manpower Utilisation and do a mapping of the team members ’ skills with their expertise on Waste Identification and Elimination . A leader ’ s Job is to put the right person with the right skill on the right job at the right time . If this is followed in true spirit , it is beyond doubt that waste will soon become history .
Mr . S . Sekar is the DGM- Production of Times of India Press , Chennai . He and his team are instrumental for the entry of TOI Chennai press , as a member of the most coveted and prestigious International color Quality Club . He is the most sought after speaker in all the seminars related to printing . ( Sekar . Subramani @ timesgroup . com )