E-Mag Teen's Life and Fictions | Page 3

Short Story

Once there was a man named Bob who lives in a beach house in Iloilo. He lives with his grandfather and with his dog. Bob had a terrible life in the city that’s why he is staying with his grandfather. Bob never left the beach house because he was too broken for what happen to his life in the city. Bob became coward to pursue his dreams and just stay at his grandfather’s side.

One day Bob was sitting at the porch with his dog and his grandfather came to him and ask “Bob, why are you still here? You must go and live your life!” But Bob answered “No grandpa, it’s too terrible in the city. It is good for me to stay here.” But his grandpa said “No dear boy. You should not be afraid of what will happen but be happy and have fun about life. You can’t learn anything if you will not experience any terrible things in your life. Every problem has a great outcome if you get through it without fear and a better lesson beyond that you can bring with you as long as you lived.”

After his conversation with his grandfather, he sees things clearly. He became thankful for having his grandfather around and be able to open his mind. He began packing his things with his dog and thank his grandfather and left the beach house to start a new life.