E-Mag Teen's Life and Fictions | Page 2

Early Relationship

Having early relationship nowadays is very common especially to the youths. Most of the time they spend their life thinking on how they can have a girlfriend or boyfriend in an early age and being problematic about it. Some of them seeks for attention and love because they were having problems at home that’s why they look for other people or person to feel that love and affection. Being in a relationship has lots of advantages and disadvantages especially in an early age. At a young age, most youths learn on how to be mature not only physically but also emotionally. They learn on how to fix their self and control their emotions depends on the situation. As a teenager, we are bound to study and finish our degree and for us to do that, we need inspiration, sometimes more than our family and friends but also a companion to share our experiences.

Beyond these good things about having relationship in an early age, there is still some sort of problem related to this. In terms of studies there would be times that we cannot focus because of having some issues between the person we are in a relationship with and it can result to being failed in our curriculum and possibly not be able to graduate. It can also be the reason of financial shortage especially to the boys who are trying to impress or show their love through their money. Sometimes they forget to be practical and waste their money without thinking rationally. Having a relationship with someone is good. But it takes a big responsibility especially at a young age. There are lots of things that we should be prioritizing but it’s just our way of balancing everything.