Metabolism is a vital process in our life. It is present
since the moment we are born until the moment we die.
Metabolism is all the reactions we have in our body that
keep our organs functioning. This has thousands of
metabolic reactions and also it is a great benefit
because it keeps our cells healthy. Also, keeps our
body functioning because this process converts the fuel
in the food we ingest into energy so we can complete
our every day activities.
Daily Caloric Needs, as the name says it is the amount of
calories you need in your body daily so it can function
correctly. A calorie is a unit of energy. This are the energy
consumptions by drinking, eating or the using of energy
which is exercising.
What About BMR?
BMR stands for Basal Metabolic Rate. The Basal
Metabolic Rate is the amount of energy you have or
need so your body can still work while you are resting
or taking a break. If you have a lean mass, this means
that your BMR will low and if you increase your lean
mass, BMR will also increase. Approximately, a man
has a BMR of 7,100 kJ and a women 5,900 kJ. KJ is
the energy measure which means kilojoules.