March 6, 2014
who get the virus will die or even get sick. But if you really catch up the
virus it can threaten your life. Now it is really easy to think how people
could get sick during the French Revolution since there were constantly at
wars and contact between each individual was constant. There was no
salubrity at all and this didn’t helped
either. Now a days it is easy to recover
from this diseases as there are many
medicines that can aid you in your
Intestinal infection is another important
illness. Intestinal infections are caused by
virus, parasites or bacterias that enter the
body and affect the gastrointestinal tract.
The virus or bacterias enter the body through the ingestion of
contaminated food. This was common during the French Revolution as
people ate in war camps and food wasn’t processed correctly. Intestinal
infection can cause many different symptoms that sooner or later will
affect the body of the patient. During that time intestinal infection was very
dangerous as there were no treatment to the diseases. Now a days there
are many methods to cure the infection.
After the French Revolution the health organisations were created as
people found out the importance of being healthy and how much
diseases can affect a war.
! Entrevista a un Cirujano Cardiovascular
! cirujano cardiovascular opera el corazón y vasos sanguíneos de las personas
después de daños causados por enfermedades o lesiones.
Este doctor se
especializa en el cuidado en el cuidado, prevención, tratamiento y diagnostico de
problemas en la circulación, sangre y en el corazón. Un cirujano de este tipo realiza
varias operaciones desde la reparación y sustitución de válvulas, reparación de