E Health Magasine May 2014 | Page 3

ian tattersfield a01194059 faster because of an element which is key to life, “water”, cholera started spreading because of this same element, it started spreading because the people were very unsanitary, they started drinking and leaving their wastes in the same water. Cholera was transferred through wáter.Cholera entered the body through wáter. 2 Sanitary and over population. Most of the health problems were caused by the sanitary problems people had. Typhus Typhus is a disease that causes hacking, dry cough, Headache, Joint and muscle pain, Nausea, Vomiting. Typhus long endemic in Ireland, reached epidemic proportions when thousands, weakened by malnutrition due to successive crop failures, became victims of the disease. This led to an epidemic in 1846. Epidemic Typhus, known as “Jail fever” or “Famine fever” is louse borne and occurred when the debilitated, infested with lice, were huddled together for warmth and shelter. An outbreak in England in the 16th Century killed 10% of the population and during Napoleon's retreat from Moscow more soldiers died from Typhus than were killed by the Russians.